Dec 9, 2011

End of the year, and end of the world

Hello again! I’m back! J

Sometimes I look the sky and I say… why me? This year (precisely my last year at the University) I was planning a trip to Bolivia and Perú with my boyfriend and another four friends. But, with the “stopping” and protests at my University, my plans are at risk... classes just started last week, right now when I must to get a job to finance the travel expenses! I’m very complicated with this, because is very discouraging go to class on summer (with all the sun and the warm) and especially for the time that I had planned to job… I NEED A JOB! But, I also need to finish all my subjects on the best way. This is my existential paradox…. because if the world ends, I never will meet the Ruins of Machupichu, but, if I live many years I will say: “why I preferred to work, rather than studying? L

I hope to do both things, and with great success! 


  1. Hello!
    Really I understand you, above all when you talk about your trip! But don't worry baby, in this situation is when the positive vibration must be in everywhere! I hope that you can achieve everything you want, and obviously , your trip!!!! See you!

  2. So bad, but you can do it! everything will be fine. I will give you all my support, because I know you will deserve your trip. ;)
