Feb 3, 2012

What is beauty? Denis Dutton

Denis Dutton is a Philosophy professor and Letter daily. He suggest that humans are hard-wired to seek beauty and how we can understood the beauty, but this point is very difficult and maybe such as art student, this term is material of discussion.

According to Dutton, the most powerful theory of beauty we yet have, we get it not of philosophy of art, postmodern art theorist or art critic. This theory comes from Charles Darwin... oh yes, the most famoumos evolution biologist. However, some people believe, including the academic preferences, beauty is in the cultural conditioned eyed of the beholder,  because people agree that music, movies or paintings are beautiful for their determinate culture. But understood this point is not so easy because, somethings are beautiful to everybody, for example when we travel around some place and we have seen a very scenic view of the landscape, this image can be beautiful to many people and can be image of the postal for their beauty, and this is not material of discussion. 

So in this fact, Dutton say the question; how we can explain this universality? And the best answer lies in tying to reconstruct  the Darwinian evolutionary history, because across the history, the human have been tried show signals or expressions of their emotion and senses with different  ways  of adaptation across the history. Other principle, is the sexual selection. In the nature the beauty is a phenomenon to produce sexual reproduction and we found something beauty, exits a sexual attraction.

However, in my personal opinion the beauty is a personal taste and can be very different between the different people... So if you feel that something is fancy to you, enjoy it!

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