Jan 30, 2012

"How I made myself into a Van Gogh painting" - Tim Dowling's article

Today I’m going to talk about a news that I found in the site http://www.guardian.co.uk . I chose an article  (* it was published last January 17th), written by Tim Dowling, an American famous columnist. To write it, he was inspired by an interest web site where people upload remakes of famous paintings, like “The Two Fridas” by Frida Kahlo, or “Le Désespéré” by Gustave Courbet. 

In this website remake-submissions there are a lot of amazing works by people who try to do an image as close as possible to the original painting. However, the interesting of the article by Tim Dowling is the performance that he makes to have a similar look to Van Vogh. Tim Dowling dress up just like Van Gogh in his ‘self portrait with bandaged ear’ and he use similar colors and facial expressions; but the funny thing is that he shares his experience with us, and he tells us about how he did the submission, and which objects he used. In this article Tim IS the news, by himself: he is the starting point to explain the painting formally and aesthetically. He explain us the different problems to recreate a painting in a photograph: composition, colour, depth and perspective… three fundamentals things that you must to manage if you’re interest in Painting.


  1. This is unbelievable, a good proposal.

  2. Excellent topic. How you find these information? Maybe you should make my topic of Bansky and I should talk about van Gogh. I think is a good change! Kisses.
