Apr 29, 2011

The best invention of recent times

Hi everyone. The issue today is techonology. Technology has given us many ways to make life easier  and more fun. For example, today it is very easy and fast to communicate through  technological artifacts, because it is not necessary to send a carrier pigeon or write letters –for example-.
 The most important technological object in my life -right now- is my notebook. Without him I could write my college work, nor seek information about anything when I needed. A notebook is a portable computer; you can charge the battery and keep it off for acouple of hours while in the library, in the backyard or anywhere. I can also save a lot of music files or movies. In this way, when I'm bored looking for something new to see or hear.
I have my notebook two years ago, when my father gave me for Christmas. At that time I was very excited because he had waited long for him. Before of having my notebook I had to go to bed too late if needed to do a job. But nowI can study all night, but lying on my bed. The only bad thing about this is that you become very dependent on this device. No longer used only for study or listen to music but to view online ridiculous. In this regard,you must be very careful not to fall into this addiction, because then you start to be asloppy, lazy person.


  1. Yes... all we fall in love with notebooks.

  2. I don't have any notebook, i'm going to ask for one to Piñera...
